add(String, ModelError) - Method in class com.finalist.util.ejb.validation.ModelErrors
Add an error message to the set of errors for the specified property.
addBusinessLogicError(ModelError) - Method in class com.finalist.util.genelv.exceptions.BusinessLogicException
Add a general business logic error to ModelErrors.GENERAL_ERROR.
addBusinessLogicError(String, ModelError) - Method in class com.finalist.util.genelv.exceptions.BusinessLogicException
Add a business logic error for the given property.
addGenericError(ModelError) - Method in class com.finalist.util.ejb.validation.ModelErrors
Add an error message to the set of errors for the specified property.
addModelErrorsToActionErrors(ModelErrors, ActionErrors) - Static method in class com.finalist.util.struts.StrutsUtil
Creates an (equivalent) action error for each model error in the given model errors object, and adds them at the specified property value (in the model errors) to the action errors object.


BusinessLogicException - exception com.finalist.util.genelv.exceptions.BusinessLogicException.
This exception is thrown for all problems that occur in the EJB Container code of the application.
BusinessLogicException() - Constructor for class com.finalist.util.genelv.exceptions.BusinessLogicException
Create new Business logic exception, with no wrapped business logic exception and empty ModelErrors.
BusinessLogicException(ModelErrors) - Constructor for class com.finalist.util.genelv.exceptions.BusinessLogicException
Create new Business logic exception, with the given ModelErrors object.
BusinessLogicException(Exception) - Constructor for class com.finalist.util.genelv.exceptions.BusinessLogicException
Create new Business logic exception, with an empty ModelErrors object, and the given exception to be wrapped.
BusinessLogicException(ModelErrors, Exception) - Constructor for class com.finalist.util.genelv.exceptions.BusinessLogicException
Create new Business logic exception, with the given ModelErrors object, and exception to be wrapped.


ConnectionManager - class com.finalist.util.genelv.db.ConnectionManager.
This class does the lookup for the database table to locate the error code / error type mapping
ConnectionManager() - Constructor for class com.finalist.util.genelv.db.ConnectionManager
Default constructor.
clear() - Method in class com.finalist.util.ejb.validation.ModelErrors
Clear all error messages recorded by this object.
com.finalist.util.ejb.validation - package com.finalist.util.ejb.validation
com.finalist.util.genelv.db - package com.finalist.util.genelv.db
com.finalist.util.genelv.exceptions - package com.finalist.util.genelv.exceptions
com.finalist.util.genelv.struts - package com.finalist.util.genelv.struts
com.finalist.util.genelv.struts.forms - package com.finalist.util.genelv.struts.forms
com.finalist.util.log - package com.finalist.util.log
com.finalist.util.struts - package com.finalist.util.struts
connect() - Static method in class com.finalist.util.genelv.db.ConnectionManager
Create return connection calling methode is responsable for closing this connection
connect() - Static method in class com.finalist.util.genelv.db.GenElvConnectionManager
Create return connection calling methode is responsable for closing this connection
createActionError(ModelError) - Static method in class com.finalist.util.struts.StrutsUtil
Creates an (equivalent) action error object for the given model error object.
createActionErrorsFromModelErrors(ModelErrors) - Static method in class com.finalist.util.struts.StrutsUtil
Creates an (equivalent) action errors object for the given model errors object.


determineErrorCode(Throwable) - Static method in class com.finalist.util.genelv.exceptions.ExceptionUtil
Determines the error key for the given Throwable
determineErrorCodeDb(Throwable) - Static method in class com.finalist.util.genelv.exceptions.ExceptionUtil
Determine the error code using the genelv table in the database.
determineErrorCodeType(Throwable) - Static method in class com.finalist.util.genelv.exceptions.ExceptionUtil
Determine the error code on the basis of the type of the exception
doGet(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class com.finalist.util.log.InitLoggerServlet
doPerform(ActionMapping, ActionForm, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class com.finalist.util.genelv.struts.GenericAction
The actual perform function: MUST be implemented by subclasses.
doValidate(ActionMapping, HttpServletRequest) - Method in class com.finalist.util.genelv.struts.GenericForm
Performs the default server-side validation (calls superclass ValidationForm's validate method).


EJB_CREATE - Static variable in class com.finalist.util.genelv.exceptions.WrappedEJBException
EJB_FINDER - Static variable in class com.finalist.util.genelv.exceptions.WrappedEJBException
EJB_JNDI - Static variable in class com.finalist.util.genelv.exceptions.WrappedEJBException
EXCEPTION - Static variable in class com.finalist.util.genelv.struts.ExceptionConstants
Attribute name for the exception to be handled.
EXCEPTION_ACTION_ERRORS - Static variable in class com.finalist.util.genelv.struts.ExceptionConstants
Attribute name for the exception action errors (yields for BusinessLogicException).
EXCEPTION_EXPLANATION - Static variable in class com.finalist.util.genelv.struts.ExceptionConstants
Attribute name for the exception explanation.
EXCEPTION_MESSAGE - Static variable in class com.finalist.util.genelv.struts.ExceptionConstants
Attribute name for the exception message.
EXCEPTION_PAGE - Static variable in class com.finalist.util.genelv.struts.ExceptionConstants
(STRUTS) Global forward name for the generic exception page.
EXCEPTION_STACK_TRACE - Static variable in class com.finalist.util.genelv.struts.ExceptionConstants
Attribute name for the exception stack trace.
EXCEPTION_WHATTODO - Static variable in class com.finalist.util.genelv.struts.ExceptionConstants
Attribute name for the exception what to do message.
ExceptionConstants - class com.finalist.util.genelv.struts.ExceptionConstants.
Manifest constants for the exception handling.
ExceptionConstants() - Constructor for class com.finalist.util.genelv.struts.ExceptionConstants
ExceptionUtil - class com.finalist.util.genelv.exceptions.ExceptionUtil.
Util class for exception handling.
ExceptionUtil() - Constructor for class com.finalist.util.genelv.exceptions.ExceptionUtil
empty() - Method in class com.finalist.util.ejb.validation.ModelErrors
Return true if there are no error messages recorded in this collection, or false otherwise.
errors - Variable in class com.finalist.util.ejb.validation.ModelErrors
The accumulated set of ModelError objects (represented as an ArrayList) for each property, keyed by property name.
execute(ActionMapping, ActionForm, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class com.finalist.util.genelv.struts.GenericAction
Method perform
execute(ActionMapping, ActionForm, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class com.finalist.util.genelv.struts.forms.InitExceptionAction
Perform method: sets message, explanation, what-to-do.
execute(ActionMapping, ActionForm, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class com.finalist.util.genelv.struts.forms.InitStackTraceAction
Perform method: set the stack trace to the request attribute;
exportErrorCodesToProject() - Static method in class com.finalist.util.genelv.exceptions.ExceptionUtil
Export error codes from the database to be connected using com.finalist.util.db.GenElvConnectionManager to the database to connected using com.finalist.util.db.ConnectionManager.


GLOBAL_ERROR - Static variable in class com.finalist.util.ejb.validation.ModelErrors
"Property" name to store global error under...
GenElvConnectionManager - class com.finalist.util.genelv.db.GenElvConnectionManager.
This class does the lookup for the database table to locate the error code / error type mapping
GenElvConnectionManager() - Constructor for class com.finalist.util.genelv.db.GenElvConnectionManager
Default constructor.
GenericAction - class com.finalist.util.genelv.struts.GenericAction.
Implementation of GenericAction
GenericAction() - Constructor for class com.finalist.util.genelv.struts.GenericAction
GenericForm - class com.finalist.util.genelv.struts.GenericForm.
Generic form bean
GenericForm() - Constructor for class com.finalist.util.genelv.struts.GenericForm
get() - Method in class com.finalist.util.ejb.validation.ModelErrors
Return the set of all recorded error messages, without distinction by which property the messages are associated with.
get(String) - Method in class com.finalist.util.ejb.validation.ModelErrors
Return the set of error messages related to a specific property.
getBusinessLogicErrors() - Method in class com.finalist.util.genelv.exceptions.BusinessLogicException
Retrieve all business logic errors.
getConnection() - Method in class com.finalist.util.genelv.db.ConnectionManager
getConnection() - Method in class com.finalist.util.genelv.db.GenElvConnectionManager
getErrorCode() - Method in class com.finalist.util.genelv.exceptions.BusinessLogicException
Get the ApplicationResource (action) error key indicating the cause of the (wrapped EJB) exception.
getErrorCode() - Method in class com.finalist.util.genelv.exceptions.WrappedEJBException
Get the ApplicationResource (action) error key indicating the cause of the (wrapped EJB) exception.
getInstance() - Static method in class com.finalist.util.genelv.db.ConnectionManager
getInstance() - Static method in class com.finalist.util.genelv.db.GenElvConnectionManager
getKey() - Method in class com.finalist.util.ejb.validation.ModelError
Get the message key for this error message.
getRaisedException() - Method in class com.finalist.util.genelv.struts.GenericForm
getStackTrace(Throwable) - Static method in class com.finalist.util.genelv.exceptions.ExceptionUtil
Return a string version of the stack trace if passed throwable is not null.
getSubmit() - Method in class com.finalist.util.genelv.struts.GenericForm
Return the value of the submit button
getValues() - Method in class com.finalist.util.ejb.validation.ModelError
Get the replacement values for this error message.
getWrappedStackTrace() - Method in class com.finalist.util.genelv.exceptions.WrappedEJBException
Return a string version of the stack trace if the wrapped ejb exception is not null, a static message string indicating the absence of a stacktrace.


InitExceptionAction - class com.finalist.util.genelv.struts.forms.InitExceptionAction.
Initializes the exception page; NB does not extend from com.finalist.util.struts.GenericAction, because that could lead to circularity in the exception handling mechanism.
InitExceptionAction() - Constructor for class com.finalist.util.genelv.struts.forms.InitExceptionAction
InitLoggerServlet - class com.finalist.util.log.InitLoggerServlet.
InitLoggerServlet() - Constructor for class com.finalist.util.log.InitLoggerServlet
InitStackTraceAction - class com.finalist.util.genelv.struts.forms.InitStackTraceAction.
Initializes the stack trace; NB does not extend from com.finalist.util.struts.GenericAction, because that could lead to circularity in the exception handling mechanism.
InitStackTraceAction() - Constructor for class com.finalist.util.genelv.struts.forms.InitStackTraceAction
importErrorCodesFromProject() - Static method in class com.finalist.util.genelv.exceptions.ExceptionUtil
Import error codes from the database to be connected using com.finalist.util.db.ConnectionManager to the database to connected using com.finalist.util.db.GenElvConnectionManager.
init() - Method in class com.finalist.util.log.InitLoggerServlet


JDBC - Static variable in class com.finalist.util.genelv.exceptions.WrappedEJBException
JSP_EXCEPTION - Static variable in class com.finalist.util.genelv.struts.ExceptionConstants
Attribute name for the exception message.


LOG4_FILENAME - Static variable in class com.finalist.util.log.InitLoggerServlet


ModelError - class com.finalist.util.ejb.validation.ModelError.
An encapsulation of an individual error message returned by the validate() method of an ActionForm, consisting of a message key (to be used to look up message text in an appropriate message resources database) plus up to four placeholder objects that can be used for parametric replacement in the message text.
ModelError(String) - Constructor for class com.finalist.util.ejb.validation.ModelError
Construct an action error with no replacement values.
ModelError(String, Object) - Constructor for class com.finalist.util.ejb.validation.ModelError
Construct an action error with the specified replacement values.
ModelError(String, Object, Object) - Constructor for class com.finalist.util.ejb.validation.ModelError
Construct an action error with the specified replacement values.
ModelError(String, Object, Object, Object) - Constructor for class com.finalist.util.ejb.validation.ModelError
Construct an action error with the specified replacement values.
ModelError(String, Object, Object, Object, Object) - Constructor for class com.finalist.util.ejb.validation.ModelError
Construct an action error with the specified replacement values.
ModelErrors - class com.finalist.util.ejb.validation.ModelErrors.
A class that encapsulates the error messages being reported by the validate() method of an ActionForm.
ModelErrors() - Constructor for class com.finalist.util.ejb.validation.ModelErrors
main(String[]) - Static method in class com.finalist.util.genelv.exceptions.ExceptionUtil
test main


properties() - Method in class com.finalist.util.ejb.validation.ModelErrors
Return the set of property names for which at least one error has been recorded.


REMOTE - Static variable in class com.finalist.util.genelv.exceptions.WrappedEJBException


StrutsUtil - class com.finalist.util.struts.StrutsUtil.
This class provides some static methodes that do model - struts data translations
StrutsUtil() - Constructor for class com.finalist.util.struts.StrutsUtil
setErrorCode(String) - Method in class com.finalist.util.genelv.exceptions.BusinessLogicException
Set the ApplicationResource (action) error key indicating the cause of the (wrapped EJB) exception.
setErrorCode(String) - Method in class com.finalist.util.genelv.exceptions.WrappedEJBException
Set the ApplicationResource (action) error key indicating the cause of the (wrapped EJB) exception.
setSubmit(String) - Method in class com.finalist.util.genelv.struts.GenericForm
Sets the value of the submit.
size() - Method in class com.finalist.util.ejb.validation.ModelErrors
Return the number of errors recorded for all properties (including global errors).
size(String) - Method in class com.finalist.util.ejb.validation.ModelErrors
Return the number of errors associated with the specified property.


UNSPECIFIED - Static variable in class com.finalist.util.genelv.exceptions.WrappedEJBException


validate(ActionMapping, HttpServletRequest) - Method in class com.finalist.util.genelv.struts.GenericForm
Generic validation with exception handling.


WrappedEJBException - exception com.finalist.util.genelv.exceptions.WrappedEJBException.
This exception is thrown for all problems that occur in the EJB Container code of the application.
WrappedEJBException(String) - Constructor for class com.finalist.util.genelv.exceptions.WrappedEJBException
Creates new WrappedEJBException
WrappedEJBException(Throwable) - Constructor for class com.finalist.util.genelv.exceptions.WrappedEJBException
Creates new WrappedEJBException


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