Class StatementExecutor

Direct Known Subclasses:

public class StatementExecutor
extends java.lang.Object


This class can be used to execute SQL statements against a database. It's main purpose is to speed up JDBC coding. It requires a java.sql.Connection object in the constructor and a RowMapper to be set. The main features are In the Constructor, the StatementExecutor takes a java.sql.SQLConnection as well as a com.finalist.util.database.RowMapper object. The RowMapper object does the binding of objects into PreparedStatements as well as the unbinding of ResultSets back into Java objects. Since this is rather database specific stuff, every database requires it's own extension of the abstract RowMapper.
Explanation of the workings will be done using code examples. First will be shown how parameter binding is done.


Take a look at the following code snippet that presumes a Connection conn to be there. An OracleRowMapper is used:

   StatementExecutor s = new StatementExecutor(conn, new OracleRowMapper()); //use the Oracle RowMapper

   s.setBindVar("MANAGERNO", new Integer(1343));
   s.setBindVar("SALARY", new Short(2000));
The first thing that should be noted is the notation of the bind variable in the SQL statement. Rather than using the "?" as in traditional JDBC programming, StatementExecutor requires the bindvariables to be explicitly named using a colon as prefix.
The method setBindVar(String bindName, Object bindVar) binds an Integer object using the name MANAGERNO into the prepared statement. The code that does the actual binding into the JDBC prepared statement can be found in the RowMapper object.

Binding can also be done using an explicit HashMap with named bind variables and binding this HashMap in one time using the setBindVars(HashMap bindVars) method:

   HashMap binds = new HashMap();
   binds.put("MANAGERNO",new Integer(1343));
   binds.put("SALARY", new Short((short)2000));

Finally, the bindvariables can be set in the form of a Java Bean. Assume a bean Employee to be there with the properties name, telephoneNumber and department and the associated getter and setter methods:

   Employee emp = new Employee();


The method setBindBean(Object bean) derives the properties from the bean (using reflection) and binds them at the appropriate places into the prepared statement. The mapping between the property names and the bindvariables is case-insensitive. Furthermore, if the used RowMapper supports this, it does not matter whether the properties are primitives or Objects.
The three ways of binding that have been described can be used next to each other for the same statement execution. Look at the following code snippet that reuses the previously instantiated Employee object emp as well as the HashMap binds:
                            + "VALUES(:NAME, :TELEPHONENUMBE, :DEPARTMENT)");
   s.setBindVar("STARTDATE", new java.util.Date());

The following rules are used when bind variables with the same names are found:


Execution of DML (Data Modification Language, e.g. Insert, Update and Deletes) is equivalent to normal JDBC programming and performed by the method executeDML() that returns an int value identifying the amount of rows that were affected. A sequel of the previous code example could, for example, be:
   int nrOfRowsAffected = s.executeDML();
Preconditions for this method to work are a valid SQL statement and the appropriate bind variables being set.
DDL (Data Definition Language, e.g. table creation, dropping etc.) can be performed with this method as well:
   s.prepareStatement("CREATE TABLE TEST (KOLOM1 NUMBER(10))");

Querying (Unbinding)

The resultset of a query is evaluated an put into an ArrayList. Evaluation can be done in two ways. First, into an ArrayList of HashMaps. Let's look at an example:
   s.prepareStatement("SELECT * FROM EMP");
   ArrayList results = s.executeIntoHashMap();
After this piece of code is executed, an ArrayList is created that contains a HashMap for every row that is returned by the query. The HashMap is filled with keys of type String that are equivalent to the columnames of the queried table or to the column labels of the query, if specified. The values of the HashMap are the values returned by the query. The conversion of database data types to Java Objects is handled by the RowMapper. The reader is referred to RowMapper for details on the conversion.
A second option is to have the resultset evaluate into an ArrayList of Java Beans. Input for this method is one, Class class, that serves as a template:
   s.prepareStatement("SELECT NAME Name, TELNO TelephoneNumber, DEPTNO Department FROM EMP");
   ArrayList results = s.executeIntoBean(Employee.class);
As a result, there will be an ArrayList containing a bean for every queried row with the properties set to the queried values. The conversion between the database datatypes returned by the query and the Java object and/or primitive attributes of the bean is done by the RowMapper.

Error Handling

Only one type of Exception is thrown by StatementExecutor and this is ExecutionException. This exception extends from RuntimeException so it does not have to be explicitly caught. It is thrown upon three kind of error situations: The getMessage() method of ExecutionException returns an elaborate error message containing a detailed report of the internal settings of the StatementExecutor. Too that, it tries to reconstruct the query string that is executed against the database for debugging purposes.

Partial result sets

When dealing with large result sets, it is computationally expensive to create the correspondingly large collection of result beans. In practice, within an application such large result sets are often displayed to the user in 'chunks' using some sort of 'page through results' presentation layer device: e.g. a search results screen that shows 25 results at a time, giving the user the option of paging back and forth through the whole result set. In such cases it is unnecessary to create the entire result set in one go, and to do so would result in very poor application performance.

StatementExecutor provides methods to deal with partial result sets, whereby methods are called with a 'start index' and a 'maximum number of results'. Given a hypothetical result set with 100,000 results where only 25 are displayed to the user at a time, you could first call one of these methods to return results 0 - 24, then maybe later call again to return results 25 - 49, etc.

Prepared Statement caching

StatementExecutor can run in two modes:
  1. With Prepared Statement caching turned off. In this mode, every execution of a subsequent SQL statement by the same StatementExecutor instance, results in the statement being prepared again.
  2. In order to improve performance for situations where a couple of SQL statements need to be executed in a row from the same StatementExecutor instance, one can turn on Prepared Statement Caching by calling the method enablePreparedStatementCaching(). Running in this mode, StatementExecutor will cache all the prepared statements, which dramatically speeds up re-execution. In this mode, the developer has to explicitly call the close() method when finished, in order to close the prepared statements in the cache.
Note that StatementExecutor does nothing with the nature of the Connection object reference that is passed in the constructor. Closure of the connection as well as determining the commit or rollback behaviour has still to be taken care of by the developer.


Future Enhancements

A few enhancements will be implemented in future releases:

P.S.D.Reitsma, Michael O'Connor - Finalist IT Group

Field Summary
protected  java.lang.Object bindBean
protected  java.util.Map bindVars
protected  java.sql.Connection conn
protected  Query query
Constructor Summary
          Empty Constructor.
StatementExecutor(java.sql.Connection conn, RowMapper rowMapper)
Method Summary
 void clearBindVars()
          This method wipes out any bindvariables that have been set before.
 void close()
          Closes cached prepared statements.
 void disablePreparedStatementCaching()
          Turn Prepared Statement Caching off and implcitly close the Prepared Statement Cachne
 void enablePreparedStatementCaching()
          Turns on Prepared Statement Caching.
 int executeDML()
          Executes DML statements and returns the amount of rows that are affected.
 java.util.ArrayList executeQueryIntoBean(java.lang.Class templateBean)
          Executes the previously set statement and returns the results as an ArrayList of Beans of which the type is specified by templateClass.
 PartialResult executeQueryIntoBean(java.lang.Class templateBean, int startIndex, int maxLength)
          Scrollable result set enabled version of executeQueryIntoBean(Class), useful for dealing with large result sets.
 java.util.ArrayList executeQueryIntoBean(java.lang.Object templateBean)
          Executes the previously set statement and returns the results as an ArrayList of Beans of which the type is specified by one input bean.
 PartialResult executeQueryIntoBean(java.lang.Object templateBean, int startIndex, int maxLength)
          Scrollable result set enabled version of executeQueryIntoBean(Object), useful for dealing with large result sets.
 java.util.ArrayList executeQueryIntoHashMap()
          Executes the previously set statement and returns the results as an ArrayList of HashMaps
 PartialResult executeQueryIntoHashMap(int startIndex, int maxLength)
          Scrollable result set enabled version of executeQueryIntoHashMap(), useful for dealing with large result sets.
 java.lang.String generateBeanFromQuery(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String packageName, java.lang.String queryDefinition)
          This method generates the code of a Value (DTO) Bean using the outputformat of a query.
 java.sql.Connection getConnection()
          This method returns the Connection that has been given in the constructor
 void prepareStatement(java.lang.String queryDefinition)
          Sets the statement definition.
 void setBindVar(java.lang.String name, java.lang.Object bindVar)
          Define one bindvariable.
 void setBindVars(java.util.HashMap binds)
          Define the bindvariables a HashMap containing keys as bindvariable names and values as the actual bindVars
 void setBindVars(java.lang.Object bindBean)
          Define the bindvariables as properties of a bean
 void setConnection(java.sql.Connection conn)
          Setter for property conn.
 void setRowMapper(RowMapper rowMapper)
          Setter for property rowMapper.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected java.sql.Connection conn


protected final java.util.Map bindVars


protected java.lang.Object bindBean


protected Query query
Constructor Detail


public StatementExecutor()
Empty Constructor.


public StatementExecutor(java.sql.Connection conn,
                         RowMapper rowMapper)

conn - Connection connection used to execute the statements.
rowMapper - RowMapper object that contains the binding and unbinding functionality. Differs per database type.
Method Detail


public void enablePreparedStatementCaching()
Turns on Prepared Statement Caching. After this option has been turned on Prepared Statements, once prepared, will be cached and reused when the same query is being executed. This improves performance since since only variables binding needs to take place on re-execution. Note: Having Prepared Statement Caching turned on, one needs to explicitly call the close() method when done StatementExecutor to close the Prepared Statements or call disablePreparedStatementCaching().


public void disablePreparedStatementCaching()
Turn Prepared Statement Caching off and implcitly close the Prepared Statement Cachne


public void close()
Closes cached prepared statements.


public void prepareStatement(java.lang.String queryDefinition)
Sets the statement definition.

queryDefinition - The definition of the query. Use colons to identiy bind variables by name.


public void setBindVar(java.lang.String name,
                       java.lang.Object bindVar)
Define one bindvariable.

name - the name of the bindvar
bindVar - the object that is bound


public void setBindVars(java.util.HashMap binds)
Define the bindvariables a HashMap containing keys as bindvariable names and values as the actual bindVars

binds -


public void setBindVars(java.lang.Object bindBean)
Define the bindvariables as properties of a bean

bindBean - the bean of which the properties should be used.


public int executeDML()
Executes DML statements and returns the amount of rows that are affected. Internally the following is done:


public java.util.ArrayList executeQueryIntoHashMap()
Executes the previously set statement and returns the results as an ArrayList of HashMaps

the results of the query


public PartialResult executeQueryIntoHashMap(int startIndex,
                                             int maxLength)
Scrollable result set enabled version of executeQueryIntoHashMap(), useful for dealing with large result sets.

startIndex - the place within the results to start from, where 0 is the first record. If startIndex is specified larger than the number of results in the result set, this method will return an empty result. A negative startIndex will be treated as 0.
maxLength - the maximum number of results required. Negative values are treated as zero.
the results of the query, as a PartialResult.


public java.util.ArrayList executeQueryIntoBean(java.lang.Object templateBean)
Executes the previously set statement and returns the results as an ArrayList of Beans of which the type is specified by one input bean.

templateBean - Bean that serves as a template to fit the results in.
the results of the query


public java.util.ArrayList executeQueryIntoBean(java.lang.Class templateBean)
Executes the previously set statement and returns the results as an ArrayList of Beans of which the type is specified by templateClass.

templateBean - Class that serves as a template to fit the results in.
the results of the query


public PartialResult executeQueryIntoBean(java.lang.Object templateBean,
                                          int startIndex,
                                          int maxLength)
Scrollable result set enabled version of executeQueryIntoBean(Object), useful for dealing with large result sets.

Use this method to generate a partial result set by specifying a 'start index' and a 'maximum length'.

templateBean - Bean that serves as a template to fit the results in.
startIndex - the place within the results to start from, where 0 is the first record. If startIndex is specified larger than the number of results in the result set, this method will return an empty result. A negative startIndex will be treated as 0.
maxLength - the maximum number of results required. Negative values are treated as zero.
the results of the query, as a PartialResult.


public PartialResult executeQueryIntoBean(java.lang.Class templateBean,
                                          int startIndex,
                                          int maxLength)
Scrollable result set enabled version of executeQueryIntoBean(Class), useful for dealing with large result sets.

Use this method to generate a partial result set by specifying a 'start index' and a 'maximum length'.

templateBean - Class that serves as a template to fit the results in.
startIndex - the place within the results to start from, where 0 is the first record. If startIndex is specified larger than the number of results in the result set, this method will return an empty result. A negative startIndex will be treated as 0.
maxLength - the maximum number of results required. Negative values are treated as zero.
the results of the query, as a PartialResult.


public void clearBindVars()
This method wipes out any bindvariables that have been set before.


public java.lang.String generateBeanFromQuery(java.lang.String name,
                                              java.lang.String packageName,
                                              java.lang.String queryDefinition)
This method generates the code of a Value (DTO) Bean using the outputformat of a query. The query should return at least on row for this method to work.

name - the name of the bean
packageName - the package name it should be in
queryDefinition - the definition of the query that defines the object
the String that makes up the Java code of the bean


public java.sql.Connection getConnection()
This method returns the Connection that has been given in the constructor


public void setRowMapper(RowMapper rowMapper)
Setter for property rowMapper.

rowMapper - New value of property rowMapper.


public void setConnection(java.sql.Connection conn)
Setter for property conn.

conn - New value of property conn.

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