BinairyBindVar - class com.finalist.tools.database.BinairyBindVar.
BinairyBindVar() - Constructor for class com.finalist.tools.database.BinairyBindVar
bind(PreparedStatement, Object, String, int) - Method in class com.finalist.tools.database.DBFRowMapper
bind(PreparedStatement, Object, String, int) - Method in class com.finalist.tools.database.GenericRowMapper
bind(PreparedStatement, Object, String, int) - Method in class com.finalist.tools.database.MySQLRowMapper
Method that binds an object of a specified type into a PreparedStatement and returns the PreparedStatement.
bind(PreparedStatement, Object, String, int) - Method in class com.finalist.tools.database.OracleRowMapper
Method that binds an object of a specified type into a PreparedStatement and returns the PreparedStatement.
bind(PreparedStatement, Object, String, int) - Method in class com.finalist.tools.database.PostgreSQLRowMapper
Method that binds an object of a specified type into a PreparedStatement and returns the PreparedStatement.
bind(PreparedStatement, Object, String, int) - Method in class com.finalist.tools.database.RowMapper
Method that binds an object of a specified type into a PreparedStatement and returns the PreparedStatement.
bindBean - Variable in class com.finalist.tools.database.StatementExecutor
bindVars - Variable in class com.finalist.tools.database.StatementExecutor
byteArrayExtendedToString(byte[]) - Static method in class com.finalist.tools.database.DBFRowMapper


ColumnBean - class com.finalist.tools.database.ColumnBean.
ColumnBean() - Constructor for class com.finalist.tools.database.ColumnBean
Creates new ColumnBean
ColumnBean(String, String) - Constructor for class com.finalist.tools.database.ColumnBean
Creates new ColumnBean
ConnectionManager - class com.finalist.tools.statementExecutorUtils.ConnectionManager.
This class connects to the database Replace this class by a class which uses a Datasource!!!!!!!!!!!
ConnectionManager() - Constructor for class com.finalist.tools.statementExecutorUtils.ConnectionManager
clearBindVars() - Method in class com.finalist.tools.database.StatementExecutor
This method wipes out any bindvariables that have been set before.
close() - Method in class com.finalist.tools.database.StatementExecutor
Closes cached prepared statements.
close() - Method in class com.finalist.tools.statementExecutorUtils.QueryHelper
com.finalist.tools.database - package com.finalist.tools.database
com.finalist.tools.statementExecutorUtils - package com.finalist.tools.statementExecutorUtils
conn - Variable in class com.finalist.tools.database.StatementExecutor
connect() - Static method in class com.finalist.tools.statementExecutorUtils.ConnectionManager
convertDatatypes(ArrayList) - Static method in class com.finalist.tools.database.OracleRowMapper
converts datatypes from oracle specific to java specific types.
convertDatatypes(ArrayList) - Static method in class com.finalist.tools.database.PostgreSQLRowMapper
converts datatypes from PostgreSQL specific to java specific types.
convertToColumnList(HashMap) - Static method in class com.finalist.tools.database.Helper
createAttName(Object) - Static method in class com.finalist.tools.database.Helper
createAttNameInitCap(Object) - Static method in class com.finalist.tools.database.Helper
createAttTypeAbr(Object, HashMap) - Static method in class com.finalist.tools.database.Helper


DBFRowMapper - class com.finalist.tools.database.DBFRowMapper.
Implementation of the rowmapper for Oracle.
DBFRowMapper() - Constructor for class com.finalist.tools.database.DBFRowMapper
disablePreparedStatementCaching() - Method in class com.finalist.tools.database.StatementExecutor
Turn Prepared Statement Caching off and implcitly close the Prepared Statement Cachne


ExecutionException - exception com.finalist.tools.database.ExecutionException.
ExecutionException class.
ExecutionException(SQLException) - Constructor for class com.finalist.tools.database.ExecutionException
Constructor that takes a SQLException as an argument.
ExecutionException(NotMappableException) - Constructor for class com.finalist.tools.database.ExecutionException
Constructor that takes a NotMappableException as an argument.
enablePreparedStatementCaching() - Method in class com.finalist.tools.database.StatementExecutor
Turns on Prepared Statement Caching.
executeDML() - Method in class com.finalist.tools.database.StatementExecutor
Executes DML statements and returns the amount of rows that are affected.
executeQueryIntoBean(Object) - Method in class com.finalist.tools.database.StatementExecutor
Executes the previously set statement and returns the results as an ArrayList of Beans of which the type is specified by one input bean.
executeQueryIntoBean(Class) - Method in class com.finalist.tools.database.StatementExecutor
Executes the previously set statement and returns the results as an ArrayList of Beans of which the type is specified by templateClass.
executeQueryIntoBean(Object, int, int) - Method in class com.finalist.tools.database.StatementExecutor
Scrollable result set enabled version of StatementExecutor.executeQueryIntoBean(Object), useful for dealing with large result sets.
executeQueryIntoBean(Class, int, int) - Method in class com.finalist.tools.database.StatementExecutor
Scrollable result set enabled version of StatementExecutor.executeQueryIntoBean(Class), useful for dealing with large result sets.
executeQueryIntoHashMap() - Method in class com.finalist.tools.database.StatementExecutor
Executes the previously set statement and returns the results as an ArrayList of HashMaps
executeQueryIntoHashMap(int, int) - Method in class com.finalist.tools.database.StatementExecutor
Scrollable result set enabled version of StatementExecutor.executeQueryIntoHashMap(), useful for dealing with large result sets.


fillInPlaceholder(Hashtable) - Method in class com.finalist.tools.database.Query


GenericRowMapper - class com.finalist.tools.database.GenericRowMapper.
This RowMapper attempts to break away from the database-dependent row mappers by providing a generic JDBC-to-Java Object mapping.
GenericRowMapper() - Constructor for class com.finalist.tools.database.GenericRowMapper
generateBeanFromColumnList(String, String, ArrayList) - Static method in class com.finalist.tools.database.Helper
generateBeanFromHashMap(String, String, HashMap) - Static method in class com.finalist.tools.database.Helper
generateBeanFromQuery(String, String, String) - Method in class com.finalist.tools.database.StatementExecutor
This method generates the code of a Value (DTO) Bean using the outputformat of a query.
getBeanMethod(Class, String, String) - Static method in class com.finalist.tools.database.MethodInvoker
Returns the method of a bean using taking the property name and a prefix.
getBindIdentifiers() - Method in class com.finalist.tools.database.Query
Getter for property BindIdentifiers.
getConnection() - Method in class com.finalist.tools.database.StatementExecutor
This method returns the Connection that has been given in the constructor
getGetterNames(Object) - Static method in class com.finalist.tools.database.MethodInvoker
Returns the names of all the getters of the tested bean
getJavaType() - Method in class com.finalist.tools.database.ColumnBean
Getter for property javaType.
getMessage() - Method in class com.finalist.tools.database.ExecutionException
getMessage() - Method in class com.finalist.tools.database.NotMappableException
getName() - Method in class com.finalist.tools.database.ColumnBean
Getter for property nam.
getOriqString() - Method in class com.finalist.tools.database.Query
Getter for property oriqString.
getPartialResult() - Method in class com.finalist.tools.database.PartialResult
Gets the partial result from the query.
getPrecision() - Method in class com.finalist.tools.database.ColumnBean
Getter for property precision.
getProperty(Object, String) - Static method in class com.finalist.tools.database.MethodInvoker
Executes the getter method of a property of a bean.
getReturnType(Object, String) - Static method in class com.finalist.tools.database.MethodInvoker
Returns the object classname of a property of a bean.
getScale() - Method in class com.finalist.tools.database.ColumnBean
Getter for property scale.
getSqlType() - Method in class com.finalist.tools.database.ColumnBean
Getter for property type.
getTotalSize() - Method in class com.finalist.tools.database.PartialResult
Gets the total number of results in the whole result.
getterExists(Object, String) - Static method in class com.finalist.tools.database.MethodInvoker
Test a bean whether a certain getter exists for a property.


Helper - class com.finalist.tools.database.Helper.
Helper class for StatementExecutor to delegate some work to This class is beta and rather undocumented.
Helper() - Constructor for class com.finalist.tools.database.Helper


MethodInvoker - class com.finalist.tools.database.MethodInvoker.
Helper class used to reflectively call setters and getters of beans and determine the return type.
MethodInvoker() - Constructor for class com.finalist.tools.database.MethodInvoker
MySQLRowMapper - class com.finalist.tools.database.MySQLRowMapper.
Implementation of the rowmapper for MySQL.
MySQLRowMapper() - Constructor for class com.finalist.tools.database.MySQLRowMapper
main(String[]) - Static method in class com.finalist.tools.statementExecutorUtils.OracleDTOGenerator


NotMappableException - exception com.finalist.tools.database.NotMappableException.


OracleDTOGenerator - class com.finalist.tools.statementExecutorUtils.OracleDTOGenerator.
Generates Data Transfer Objects (Value Objects) of tables in the database.
OracleDTOGenerator() - Constructor for class com.finalist.tools.statementExecutorUtils.OracleDTOGenerator
OracleRowMapper - class com.finalist.tools.database.OracleRowMapper.
Implementation of the rowmapper for Oracle.
OracleRowMapper() - Constructor for class com.finalist.tools.database.OracleRowMapper


PartialResult - class com.finalist.tools.database.PartialResult.
This class models a partial result from a database query, where it was specified to return only a subset of the full result set.
PartialResult(ArrayList, int) - Constructor for class com.finalist.tools.database.PartialResult
PostgreSQLRowMapper - class com.finalist.tools.database.PostgreSQLRowMapper.
Implementation of the rowmapper for PostgreSQL.
PostgreSQLRowMapper(Connection) - Constructor for class com.finalist.tools.database.PostgreSQLRowMapper
prepareStatement(String) - Method in class com.finalist.tools.database.StatementExecutor
Sets the statement definition.


Query - class com.finalist.tools.database.Query.
Class that models a Query.
Query(String, String) - Constructor for class com.finalist.tools.database.Query
Query(String) - Constructor for class com.finalist.tools.database.Query
Constructor Initializes the Query object by parsing the Query definition
QueryHelper - class com.finalist.tools.statementExecutorUtils.QueryHelper.
QueryHelper() - Constructor for class com.finalist.tools.statementExecutorUtils.QueryHelper
Creates a new instance of QueryHelper
query - Variable in class com.finalist.tools.database.StatementExecutor


RowMapper - class com.finalist.tools.database.RowMapper.
Abstract class that database specific RowMappers should extend.
RowMapper() - Constructor for class com.finalist.tools.database.RowMapper
read(InputStream) - Static method in class com.finalist.tools.statementExecutorUtils.SqlScriptReader
Loads the scriptfile


SqlPretty - class com.finalist.tools.database.SqlPretty.
Utility class to indent queries and insert newlines usage: create new object with string to format, and call toString on the object.
SqlPretty(String) - Constructor for class com.finalist.tools.database.SqlPretty
Constructor for the SqlPretty object
SqlScriptReader - class com.finalist.tools.statementExecutorUtils.SqlScriptReader.
This class loads a .sql file and executes the queries in this file
SqlScriptReader() - Constructor for class com.finalist.tools.statementExecutorUtils.SqlScriptReader
StatementExecutor - class com.finalist.tools.database.StatementExecutor.
StatementExecutor This class can be used to execute SQL statements against a database.
StatementExecutor() - Constructor for class com.finalist.tools.database.StatementExecutor
Empty Constructor.
StatementExecutor(Connection, RowMapper) - Constructor for class com.finalist.tools.database.StatementExecutor
setBindIdentifiers(ArrayList) - Method in class com.finalist.tools.database.Query
Setter for property BindIdentifiers.
setBindVar(String, Object) - Method in class com.finalist.tools.database.StatementExecutor
Define one bindvariable.
setBindVars(HashMap) - Method in class com.finalist.tools.database.StatementExecutor
Define the bindvariables a HashMap containing keys as bindvariable names and values as the actual bindVars
setBindVars(Object) - Method in class com.finalist.tools.database.StatementExecutor
Define the bindvariables as properties of a bean
setConnection(Connection) - Method in class com.finalist.tools.database.StatementExecutor
Setter for property conn.
setJavaType(String) - Method in class com.finalist.tools.database.ColumnBean
Setter for property javaType.
setName(String) - Method in class com.finalist.tools.database.ColumnBean
Setter for property nam.
setOriqString(String) - Method in class com.finalist.tools.database.Query
Setter for property oriqString.
setPrecision(int) - Method in class com.finalist.tools.database.ColumnBean
Setter for property precision.
setProperty(Object, String, Object) - Static method in class com.finalist.tools.database.MethodInvoker
Executes the setter method of a property of a bean.
setRowMapper(RowMapper) - Method in class com.finalist.tools.database.StatementExecutor
Setter for property rowMapper.
setScale(int) - Method in class com.finalist.tools.database.ColumnBean
Setter for property scale.
setSqlType(String) - Method in class com.finalist.tools.database.ColumnBean
Setter for property type.


toString() - Method in class com.finalist.tools.database.SqlPretty
Description of the Method


unBindIntoBean(ResultSet, Object) - Method in class com.finalist.tools.database.DBFRowMapper
unBindIntoBean(ResultSet, Object) - Method in class com.finalist.tools.database.GenericRowMapper
unBindIntoBean(ResultSet, Object) - Method in class com.finalist.tools.database.MySQLRowMapper
Method reads the values from a ResultSet and puts them as properties into a bean.
unBindIntoBean(ResultSet, Object) - Method in class com.finalist.tools.database.OracleRowMapper
Method reads the values from a ResultSet and puts them as properties into a bean.
unBindIntoBean(ResultSet, Object) - Method in class com.finalist.tools.database.PostgreSQLRowMapper
Method reads the values from a ResultSet and puts them as properties into a bean.
unBindIntoBean(ResultSet, Object) - Method in class com.finalist.tools.database.RowMapper
Method that reads the values from a ResultSet an populates the properties of a bean
unBindIntoHashMap(ResultSet, HashMap) - Method in class com.finalist.tools.database.DBFRowMapper
unBindIntoHashMap(ResultSet, HashMap) - Method in class com.finalist.tools.database.GenericRowMapper
unBindIntoHashMap(ResultSet, HashMap) - Method in class com.finalist.tools.database.MySQLRowMapper
Method reads the values from a ResultSet and puts them as properties into a HashMap.
unBindIntoHashMap(ResultSet, HashMap) - Method in class com.finalist.tools.database.OracleRowMapper
Method reads the values from a ResultSet and puts them as properties into a HashMap.
unBindIntoHashMap(ResultSet, HashMap) - Method in class com.finalist.tools.database.PostgreSQLRowMapper
Method reads the values from a ResultSet and puts them as properties into a HashMap.
unBindIntoHashMap(ResultSet, HashMap) - Method in class com.finalist.tools.database.RowMapper
Method that reads the values from a ResultSet for one row and stores them into a HashMap.


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